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Tips For Preventing Medical Malpractice -Advocating for Your Own Health

Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare professional fails to give proper care to their patient, either by doing something they were not supposed to or by being careless and failing to do what they needed.

Malpractice is still a major issue in the medical field, but patients do not have to sit back and hope for the best. By actively participating in your healthcare, you can significantly lower your chances of being a victim of medical negligence. A Georgia Medical malpractice lawyer can tell you more, so schedule a consultation today. 

Tips to prevent medical malpractice 

While it is the physicians' responsibility to serve patients as best they can, there are actions you may do to ensure your diligence as a patient. The following are some precautions you should take to lessen your chances of being a victim of medical negligence.

1. Choose skilled, board-certified doctors. 

Find the most qualified primary care doctor you can. They should detect medical issues, provide accurate diagnoses, and, if necessary, organize further care. Board certification ensures that a physician has met minimal training and competency requirements. MD credentials may be verified at, and osteopathic credentials can be verified at A physician is not board-certified if not listed with one of these organizations. You should consult with a board-certified physician.

2. Choose physicians who are associated with large hospitals.

Not all hospitals are the same. The nearest hospital may not be the best option for your situation. Investigate your hospital's overall score and ranking for the care you seek. You must be willing to travel to obtain the greatest medical treatment for your illness.

3. Inform and educate yourself.

Participate actively in your healthcare. You are the most essential member of the team. Ask questions about your health condition and treatment alternatives. Researching your ailment is one of the best things you can do. If you have a family history of an illness or disease, do not wait for your doctor to recommend screening; instead, ask. If you have not had screening for big killers such as heart disease or cancer, find out what screening is suggested and talk to your doctor about it. A patient who is well-informed and involved will receive better treatment. Find a new doctor if your current one does not listen to or answer your inquiries.

4. All tests should be followed up on.

When your doctor recommends testing, inquire about how the results will be conveyed. Attend any suggested follow-up visits. Sometimes, test findings are misplaced or forgotten, with catastrophic repercussions. Do not allow this to happen to you.

Just like patients, doctors are also humans - and sometimes mistakes occur. If you or a loved one has been a victim of medical malpractice, do not suffer in silence. Contact an experienced medical malpractice attorney immediately.