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Does My Dog Have Rights? Why Do Courts Value Pets As Property?

We love our pets. They welcome us home with love and kisses, we consider them family, and Americans spend billions of dollars on them yearly - specifically $61 billion. With so much love for our furry friends, why haven't our laws kept up to speed with how we value our pets should something go wrong? It may surprise some people to hear this, but cats and dogs are considered simple property in the eyes of the law with no additional... ❯❯❯

How to Best Prepare for Attending Court

Attending Court can be stressful and intimidating, even for those who do so regularly. It can be even more so for those attending for the first time with very little idea of what to expect. Not knowing where to go, or how to act can only add to the stress of having to present yourself before a Judge. It can be difficult to know how to behave and act to reduce the stress of attending court and present yourself in the best possible... ❯❯❯

Probate Attorney - What You Should Know

This is the attorney that you would hire to administer the last will and testament of a deceased person. They will also help to guide the heirs through the probate process in court, which is when a person files a petition for probate. This is the process to determine if the will the deceased left behind is valid. In the probate process the assets that the deceased left behind are distributed to pay any bills and what is left is divided... ❯❯❯

The Top Business Lawyers Mean Business

The law also protects consumers from business monopolies, malpractices, price fixing, and other issues. As a business owner, you need to know about the laws regarding your business type, whether it is a small venture, a franchise, a partnership, or a corporation. There exist several legal considerations. The choices you make while setting up a business influence your business management, operations, finances, taxes, profits, and... ❯❯❯

How to Ensure Your Winding Up Petition Is Not Dismissed or Withdrawn

Some time ago, we presented a winding up petition to a company that owed one of our clients £50k. Upon receipt, the respondent company threatened to apply for a court injunction to restrain us from proceeding and dismiss the petition on the grounds the debt was disputed. The respondent company falsely alleged that £49k of the debt was disputed, but in accordance with section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986, the petition remained in... ❯❯❯

4 Easy Steps to Value an Estate

When someone passes away, if they left a Will they will have nominated an executor (if they didn't leave a Will the next of kin will be able to deal with the estate). It is the executor's job to sort out the assets and liabilities of the deceased. In a nutshell, this means getting in the assets and paying/discharging the liabilities. But before you can do this you will need to value the estate. This means valuing any money, property,... ❯❯❯

International Environmental Law and Policy of Sustainable Development

It is evident that States and International organizations are the primary sources of international law. However, international environmental law is the impact of efforts from non-government organizations and state authorities. There have been positive efforts made on law and policy making in the field of international environmental law in nations such as United States, Germany, Japan, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, China, India and... ❯❯❯

How to Choose a Lemon Law Lawyer for Yourself?

Lemon law is an extremely specialised field of litigation and requires years of experience and expertise. Due to this very reason, choosing a lemon lawyer can be quite a difficult task. So, here are few guidelines as to how you can choose the best lemon lawyer for yourself. Just follow these guidelines and you shall have no problem at all. Do your research - The first thing that you must do is go through various online directories and... ❯❯❯